There are Thousand phchological techniques to help you feel happy and learn.But what if your own body had a say in the matter!
here are some findings from neuroscientists the people who know exactly when and why your brain give you feeling of total satisfaction!
(i). Engage in pleasant expectations the process of waiting for some thing nice,such as food or Sex is similar to the learned salivation response.
Example. Our brain experiences pleasure by simply anticipationg the fun Event That's why we're so fond of counting the hours and minutes to some particular moment.
(ii). Solve the Problems one at time Our Brain never stop Searching for solution to every problem that worries us.
Example. This take a lot of energy, so whenever the brain gets tired, and the problem remains unresolved we feel anxeity and irritation on the other hand, for for every right decision. Our Brain reward itself with a dose of neuotransmitters that calm the limbic system and help us once again see the world in a better light.
(iii). Don't Keep things pent up: Talk about what brothers you, The processes of wordlessly going through something unpleasant and talking a about yours.