Happy Benefits;)

A happy worker is a productive worker… So it is necessary to ask: what benefits make your employees happier?
A happy employee is a productive employee. This is one of the basic principles of any company in the 21st century, and nobody can doubt it. Gone are the days when it was thought that a bastard boss encouraged his employees to be more productive... Now, luckily for everyone, it is known that what makes employees really happy are the benefits that we can offer them. After all, if an employee enjoys differential benefits, it will not only make him feel more comfortable in his own job, but his happiness will even prevent him from wanting to go to a competing company to do the same job. work but with better benefits. If the business world were "Game of Thrones", the benefits would be the rumors capable of making a player ascend or descend in his race to the throne. So, in case you think you should offer more benefits to your workers but you don't know exactly how to achieve it, this article offers you some ideas that you can put into practice. flex work It is increasingly proven that strict schedules can end up reducing the productivity of workers. A worker who organizes the working day on his own will take much better advantage of the spaces that he dedicates to work, since he will not be thinking about all those other things that he should (or can) do. And even more: if we combine flexible hours with telecommuting, the benefits are not only for the worker, but also for the company. Why? Because teleworking (well supervised) implies that the worker does not generate expenses with his presence in the company. Professional development This is one of the basic benefits within any company: that it offers you the necessary tools to develop professionally. Continuous training is usually the best method to ensure this professional development. Listen to your workers, let them be the ones to detect what they need to improve in their work skills, and then dedicate yourself to offering them the necessary training to achieve it. Participation Benefits With "participation" we are not referring to offering your employees shares of your company (although it is something that should never be ruled out in the event that this is a key worker). We are referring to making them feel that they actively participate in the company, that their opinion counts, that they are listened to and that their decisions have a direct influence on the business itself. Recognition Just as you have to offer the worker the certainty that his participation is important within the company, it is absolutely necessary that you recognize his work when it is well done. Here it is not about putting medals, but a worker whose work is recognized is a worker who will make an effort to do his tasks to the best of his ability. Free time We all need oxygen. In fact, having a day of respite in which you don't even think about work means that, when you come back, you do it with more strength... And, more than likely, with a different perspective that allows you to approach problems in different and original ways. Strictly sticking to vacation days on the calendar is a mistake when days off are, more than likely, the benefits that make workers happier. Social benefits Most of the benefits discussed above involve zero (or indirect) cost to the company. Social benefits, on the other hand, do tend to bring implicit costs. Think of insurance, retirement plans, transport passes, dining room, nursery... They are a whole set of improvements in the life of the worker that, without a doubt, will make him much happier. And what did we say at the beginning? That a happy worker is a productive worker.

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