Concentraction For Studies (TipsTricks)

Studying is an activity that requires the greatest possible concentration. If your ability to concentrate is weak, there are numerous concentration techniques that will help you focus all your attention on a single task, in this case the subject matter itself that needs to be understood and internalized. concentration techniques
The ability to concentrate can be improved with a series of habits. Before starting to study, it is necessary to create suitable circumstances for it: Always study in the same place, be it the room, the library or another space that we choose, making sure that it is a quiet place, without noise or distractions and in which we have all the necessary tools nearby, from textbooks to pens, calculators, etc. Approach the study rested, after having slept well. It is also essential to take a break every 45 minutes and "take the air" every so often. Eating too much in the moments before or sitting down to study hungry impairs concentration. As for lighting, it is advisable to make the most of natural light (avoiding direct light). If artificial light is used, the place will have to have general and punctual lighting. Good ventilation also helps. White and blue lights are the most advisable and, if possible, it is recommended to avoid LED lights and large fluorescents. Adopt a proper ergonomic posture, with your back straight and your head slightly tilted forward. Legs and thighs should be at a 90 degree angle, with feet on the ground. You have to watch that the neck is in a straight position and the shoulders without tension. The study chair should be adjustable to various heights, have lumbar support and armrests. Get used to order. A messy table wastes time looking for what is needed at all times and also causes unnecessary distractions. Techniques to achieve greater concentration To be more efficient when it comes to studying, learn the following key guidelines and exercises to improve your concentration. 1. Planning. Organizing the syllabus to be studied beforehand so that later you do not spend study time doing it and plan what time and how much study time you are going to dedicate to each section, will allow you not to waste energy and improve concentration. For example, if you set a schedule from 4 to 5 in the afternoon each day, it will be easier for you to take from that time, since you have reserved that slot specifically for studying. 2. Breathing. Before starting to study, spend five minutes relaxing in the following way: sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, paying attention to how the entire process of introducing and expelling air occurs. If a thought occurs at that moment, try to reject it and return to concentrating on your breath. 3. Reading. Reading is a great way to teach your brain to focus. For 30 minutes before starting to study, silently reading a text that is not part of the notes, such as a novel, helps to isolate us from other distractions and facilitates the transition to a study attitude. 4. Fixation. Pick an object around you and for two minutes focus on analyzing it in detail, including colors and shapes. You can also look at the movement of the clock's second hand during the same time. It is important not to let any other thoughts enter your mind. This exercise is a good training to later apply it, for longer periods, to the subject of study in which it is a question of remembering what is visualized. 5. Isolation. If you are in a time when you suffer from worries that prevent you from concentrating, a technique that helps is to set a space and a specific time for it. In addition, you can set a word or phrase that allows you to refocus when distractions disturb you. It can be a word like "concentrate" or "not now." It is also important to avoid distractions by employing tactics such as putting the cell phone on silent or choosing a place without noise. Remember that music can be an ally for motivation, but it is preferable to study in silence. If you need it, try to make it relaxing and without lyrics. 6. Breaks. Take breaks during study to increase productivity. Some time management methods, like the Pomodoro Technique, will allow you to increase focus by dividing time into intervals of activity and rest. During breaks you can offer yourself rewards to recharge your batteries and get back on task. 7. Last chance. Imagining that this is the last chance we have to study the syllabus in front of us can be an excellent help to avoid distractions and put all our effort into it. Practice these concentration techniques every day.

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